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Thank you for attending the second edition of Wrobocon and being an integral part of its success!


We are thrilled to announce the second edition of Wrobocon - polish conference on Robot Framework - will take place in the end of October!

Experience keynote speeches and an array of informative sessions at Wrobocon, a free online event organised by NiceProject, an official member of the Robot Framework Foundation.

Join us to learn from leading experts and network with other Robot Framework enthusiasts. REGISTER for Wrobocon 2023.

Announcing Wrobocon 2023, the second edition of the Polish conference on Robot Framework!

Join us in October for a free online event packed with keynotes, speeches, and informative sessions.

Enhance your skills and network with experts and enthusiasts.

Wrobocon conference graphic

A big thank you to all the participants of the first-ever Polish Conference about Robot Framework 2022! Your presence made it an incredible event!


Successful conference with 170 attendees

Keynotes and excellent talks rated 9/10!

Internationally recognised independed RF conferences

Fully online and free event!

Join us for an even bigger and better WRBCN 2023!

Check out the event recap from last year by clicking HERE!


Gojko Adzic


Software requirements and testing depends heavily on clarity, conciseness, and shared understanding. The "Given-When-Then" format is now defacto standard for describing examples in requirements and test scenarios. However, many organisations just following this format without understanding the underlying ideas, so they do not get the full benefits. Gojko will show you how to refine and style your scenarios to better convey intent, maintain simplicity, and inspire shared understanding.

Visit NAARKEET.COM to find out about converting text into video presentations using computer-generated voiceovers and animations.

Ed Manlove


Robot Framework just celebrated its 15th Birthday. I want to look forward and project out where we - as a project, as a community, as a testing solution - might be in 5, 10, 15 years out. Briefly, we will reflect back on our journey here. And I’ll mirror the important role each of us have within this community.

Katarzyna Wawrzynek


Testing of desktop applications cannot be done without the display (UI visible in the interactive session). GitLab pipeline, on the other hand, runs tests in a non-interactive session (no display). To solve this problem, we need an additional element to start an interactive session and to communicate with the GitLab runner. This additional element is RDP connection service.

Łukasz Kurzaj


Pipeline and dynamically managed infrastructure is the essential of this talk. Pipeline for build and debug purpose to allow maximum of efficiency at minimum costs. This solution speeds up dramatically the development process in small and big projects avoiding painful root cause analysis of testing environments.

Bartłomiej Hirsz


Using tools like Robocop or Robotidy is just the beginning of your company's journey to improving code quality. In this talk, I will focus on how to integrate these tools into your project, starting from pre-commit checks and extending to enforcement in CI/CD pipelines. Additionally, I will demonstrate other methods of monitoring code quality and preventing the merging of broken automation code.

Bartłomiej Hirsz


In my presentation, I would like to talk about the use of RobotFramework in a project for a public sector client, the challenges posed by the management, the difficult specifics of the project and the solutions to these problems introduced through automation and scripting using RobotFrameworks and the python language, the use of multithreading for data creation and the dynamic adaptation of scripts for testing through function arguments.

From the very beginning, the project faced problems related to the lack of consideration of automation processes during development, the lack of standards for maintaining automation and limited human resources for testing.

The use of RobotFramework and python allowed the automation to be dynamically adapted to the constantly changing business requirements with a low effort to implement test changes and extend functionality.



Opening Statement

Adam Hepner


Given-When-Then with Style

Gojko Adzic


RDP connection service

Katarzyna Wawrzynek


Project's Robo-cop, or extreme testing in public project

Patryk Kumor


Cloud-Native Pipeline: Robot Framework with Friends

Łukasz Kurzaj


Lunch break


Maintain test automation quality

Bartłomiej Hirsz


... the next 15 years of Robot Framework!

Ed Manlove


Panel discussion

Bartłomiej Hirsz, Patryk Kumor, Ed Manlove, Mateusz Nojek, Krzysztof Żminkowski

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